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IT Security Solutions

What does your company need to do to ensure IT security today?

Cybersecurity is a growing concern for businesses. It is not a matter of “if” you will experience a hacking attempt, but when. No longer can you keep your business and financials safe by simply using local compliance protocols. Hackers will always use the path of least resistance to gain access to your files. That access will most likely be gained through an employee as opposed to directly through a compliant server. According to a recent Symantec report, over 90% of Malware is delivered over email. All it takes is one click for your business to be compromised.

Managed IT Services IconService Desk 24 x 7

We will work with our clients to integrate standard operating procedures for creating tickets via the phone, email or SMS. Learn More 

Managed IT Services IconBackup & Disaster Recovery

Our approach to backing up data involves connecting on-premise systems to a private, public or hybrid cloud completely managed by our team. Learn More

Managed IT Services IconHardware as a Service (HaaS)

We are a TRUE custom computing fulfillment house. Imagine specifying completely custom options for your computing needs. Learn More

Managed IT Services IconIT Consulting

We are here to help our customers create value and cultivate a competitive advantage on the back of emerging tech markets and trends. Learn More

Hardware as a Service

Managed Security Solutions

IT Outsourcing

Cloud & Virtualization

Service Desk – 24 x 7

Backup and Recovery

it hardware IconContact TrinWare today. Let us focus on your IT Infrastructure so you can focus on your core business strategy while increasing profitability and operational efficiencies.