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Build a Stronger IT Presence, Today
Managed Services
TrinWare will manage your critical IT solution requirements proactively, so you can focus on innovating and growing your business.
Cloud & Virtualization
Virtualizing your technology environments and networks will brings major benefits, including lower costs, better backup and disaster recovery.
Security Solutions
A single security breach can bring down an entire business and put thousands of dollars at risk. Security protocols must be monitored regularly.
Technology & Production
We bring together the finest hardware, software & people to allow seamless integration of technology & systems, helping your business thrive.
Your Cybersecurity is Important to Us
Cybersecurity is a growing concern for businesses. No longer can you keep your business and financials safe by simply using local compliance protocols. Hackers will always use the path of least resistance to gain access to your files. That access will most likely be gained through an employee as opposed to directly through a compliant server. According to a recent Symantec report, over 90% of Malware is delivered over email. All it takes is one click for your business to be compromised.